Chancellor of University of Guilan is selected as the Director of the Association of State Universities of the Caspian Region Countries

15 October 2019 | 10:02 Code : 73 news
Chancellor of University of Guilan is selected as the Director of the Association of State Universities of the Caspian Region Countries

The Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology along with the University of Guilan, hosted the 22nd general assembly of the Association of State Universities of the Caspian Region Countries, 1-2 Oct 2019, at the University of Guilan.

The president of the Association of State Universities of the Caspian Region, Acting Minister for International Scientific Cooperation, governor-general of Guilan province, chancellors and deputies of Iranian, Russian, Kazakh and Azeri universities were the distinguished guests of this assembly.

In this meeting, Dr Razi, chancellor of University of Guilan highlighted the importance of this association on providing a platform for cooperation of its member states, given their existing capacities and political, cultural and social history and similarities. He referred to the frequent meeting of presidents of the member countries as great sign of their interest for expanding cooperation. He also emphasized on the importance of strengthening the infrastructure at member states for a sustainable scientific cooperation, while overcoming the exiting challenges, adding new active members and non-member observant members to this association.

He added that establishing and expanding scientific cooperation with the neighboring and association member countries in the form of exchanging students and researchers, and holding venture research projects can be of priorities for expanding international cooperation among these countries.

It was also suggested for the association to form executives committees on education, research and technology, and to find suitable approaches on meeting technology and innovation challenger, as well as enhance joint student activities.

Dr Razi, as the chancellor of Guilan University, was then selected as this session’s director of the Association of State Universities of the Caspian Region Countries.